Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exterior Carpentry

Front corner, lot side - frieze and fascia added
Rounding out the updates from this week are a few pictures of the work the carpenters are doing up along the edge of the roof.  The overhang on this house is not very big; and as far as we can tell, it was this way originally.  So I was unhappy with the thought of the siding going straight up to the eaves.  We decided to add a band of trim at the top which I learned is called a frieze.  When it's all painted the trim color, we think that this will add some nice dimension up there.

Above master bedroom windows

The dormer & vent finally exposed (it was hiding under vinyl siding)

So glad we opted to keep this

Fascia and frieze added around the garage

Eaves on the garage - how pretty was the sky that day?

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